
Heat on low in a pan with ~ 1/4 cup of milk. The higher the fat content in the milk the better it works but even skim will give you a better result than just microwaving.

Now playing

And this guy got warned first. No defense.

When we first moved in together my boyfriend ate my leftover thai food while I was at work once.

I’ll have a snack in the evening (like, my carefully measured out snack that I am allowing myself) and my husband will ask for one. No, motherfucker, you can’t have one of my scant three slices of dried persimmon, go get your own, you know where they are.

Soooooo... this is his way of turning down the VP slot w/o saying it out loud?

Between the Scientology, family ties to Joe McCarthy and the awful plastic surgery, why would anyone trust Greta Van Susteren’s judgement?

This is why Megyn Kelly has surpassed her at Fox. She’s got her head buried so far up the boss’ assholes she really believes Fox cares about women.

I’d like to believe that, too. A platform is a platform - and now these moronic dipshits have one, so they’re able to spew their shit around. My fear is that when these morons see each other out there it’s a chance for them to get together (much like what we do here) and amplify their feewings about how to Make

Well everyone knows that if your boss is gonna sexually harass one of your coworkers, he’s gonna sexually harass ALL the ladies in the office, right?????? That’s how that works?????

I really want to believe that these kind of assholes have been around forever, we just didn’t get blasted in the face by thier bullshit. In the 90s we had the militia movement (rather funny how these kind of people only seem to have issues with the government when the left is in charge) which had moments of spotlight,

He seems totally rational.

“Real America”

People might take you more seriously if you knew about punctuation and using capitals.

This was caused by making it a news item in the first place. Protecting and collecting correspondence isn’t a new idea for a politician. I would be absolutely amazed if Cheney et al didn’t have private servers. He certainly blacked his house out from satellite imagery. Which is the act of a rich lunatic.

Time to start reading the comments at Breitbart and The Hill

Marry them and divorce them 10 years later to get half.

be hot and make them think they’re sexy and fun and witty. they pay a fuck ton of money to be lied to.

someone teach me a way to scam rich white men. like robin hood but i am also the poor i am robbing for.

a YEAR AND A HALF????!!!!

I'm sorry, this man obviously has many, many troubles but he abused an animal. It's being played for laughs and shock value but that's what happened and I wish those who report on this story would stop dancing around that fact. This isn't too far from young kids who are physically or sexually abused in the home who