
Hmmm. Have you had your thyroid tested? It could be Hypermetabolism which comes with a host of side effects besides being unable to keep weight on.

Jezebel like Gawker delivers its message (even serious topics) often with comedic flare. This is why you will find articles like this one along side of Honey Boo-Boo. It's not meant as a way to share the info with those who have views that are greatly different than yours but rather as source material for you to do

A story about how my mother went from Pro Choice to Pro Life

Okay this is a generalization to all the contrarians out there.

If you haven't read "Freakonomics:The Hidden Side to Everything" by Levitt and Dubner I would urge everyone too. There's a chapter based on a paper by Levitt (U of Chicago) and Donohue (Yale) published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics entitled "The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime".

If you do find out you have any type (another poster called their's mild) of sleep apnea do your damnedest not have it written on any charts. If you can buy the machine out of pocket that would help too. My father in law has an insurance firm (health, life, whatever else) and has had to deliver the bad news to an