nothing-never mind-who care?

He can’t handle Rosie O’Donnell criticizing him. How is he going to cope with 100+ million people hating his guts and criticizing his every move?

“He wanted to replace his wife in the next few years. Now he can’t.”

His life is no longer his own; he is a public servant now. His schedule will be set by the needs of the government. Everything (mostly) will be documented and recorded. Is he prepared for that? Considering that he ran for president as a project to heal a wounded ego, I sort of doubt it.

Melania: “This is the biggest fuckup he’s ever done! And I was SO looking forward to the eventual divorce and settlement.”

Her expression speaks volumes.

I would add 4) how does he maintain his glorious orange hue? Does he have to get a spray tan machine installed in the white house? What if secret service doesn’t let him leave to get a spray tan? What if the world sees him with his real skin color?

I think Melania wanted to tap out, too. She’s put in her ten years (and I’d assume she hits a certain level in her pre-nup after that milestone) and probably isn’t that thrilled with the entire world hearing how he tried to fuck all these women within the first year of their marriage, but now she needs to stick this

That isn’t necessarily a good thing. He doesn’t have to resign - he can delegate. Then god knows what asshole with no accountability is making which decisions on a daily basis. Resigning is quitting and quitting is losing. He’d never go out that way. He’d just go golfing and brag about how he has the “best”

If he makes it to the end of his term.

I know it’s nit-picky (that’s not the word I want, but I’m exhausted), but I really think you’re right about the Melania thing. I also think he can replace her because he’s like Henry VIII and believes he can do anything he wants to do. Now that he’s “won” the game (which is all he wanted, I believe), he’s going to

If I didn’t hate him so much, I’d feel sorry for him. Because there really is no way out. Claiming health problems makes him look weak. Quitting for any other reason just makes him look like a loser, and we know what he thinks of losers. I think towards the end of the campaign he was really getting excited about 

Let’s not get it twisted, I am not at all concerned about the President Elect’s health in any sort empathetic manner.

I hope he hates every f-ing minute of it and that his hair falls out.

He has admitted that he doesn’t like to read, and now he has to read stacks of reports on EVERYTHING. Reports are boring as fuck, I know, I’ve written plenty of them. He will have to spend days in meetings being debriefed on things so boring that you want to stab yourself in the eye, and he’ll have to learn and

I doubt he’s going to give nearly enough of a shit to go through the typical president aging process. Also if he did he would just be dead in four years.

Three things I genuinely think Trump is concerned about today:

We have a saying down here in Brazil that is something like, “Bad jars/vases don’t break”.
I’m really hoping he’s the exception. No one in the world will miss this prick.

Well fast aging does happen when you actually really work in politics.

By March he will be like the Wizard of Oz or the similar characters from the Star Trek and a Twilight Zone episodes. Holed up in Trump Tower while his minions assure us all is well and how great things will be one day while The Donzi Scheme sells off everything near and dear to America to the Russians and any one else

And he’s surrounded by people that hate him. 92% of D.C. voted for Clinton.