
From the era when Chrysler thought that using knock-off names would fool customers.... “Hey, if we name it ‘Turbo Z,’ people will think it’s as good as a Nissan 280ZX Turbo!” Or, “Hey, if we name it 'Chrysler E-Class', people will think it's as good as a Mercedes E-Class!" See also Dodge 400 & 600 (with Mercedes

‘96 Ford Taurus: “Like a dream you can hold in your hand.... Taurus making the dream come true.... Making the dream come true for you.”

What about embarrassing cars that you secretly love? I should hate the Buick Encore I got for my mom. It looks like Paul Bunyan’s roller skate, it’s tiny, it’s slow, it’s tacky, and it’s a Buick. Nonetheless, I love it. It's one of precious few GM cars that's more than the sum of its parts.

Those creases are supposed to be there, but perhaps not as prominent. They allow the panel to deform in a controlled manner in the case of a severe accident. Open the hood of your car, and you should notice similar creases in most of the body panels.

Finally! A Mazda that isn’t all lumpy-humpy like a ‘70s Ford Maverick.

$2K would be a bargain compared to what I've been quoted for clutch replacement in my '05 V6 coupe.

That, or they're looking for someone to confirm the decision they've already made.

When I was in college, my parents had a Pontiac 6000STE. Those cars had a distinctive, deep exhaust burble (for a 6-cylinder). On one occasion, I pulled in the driveway and got out of the car to open the garage door (yes, garage doors, like TVs, were once manually controlled). Just as I bent over in front of the car,

I have a good friend who constantly complains about how poor she is. She can’t afford to get her car fixed, she can’t afford to eat right, she doesn’t have any gas money.... Mind you, she tells me this using her $380/month cell phone while sipping a $5 cappuccino and opening her second pack of cigarettes for the day.

Fighting my way home from work during the first snowfall, trapped behind a hysterical Wal-Mart cashier who refuses to exceed 15MPH in her 1992 Cavalier, despite the fact that the roads have been treated and are merely wet. I’m looking forward to cracking open a bottle of whiskey after I get home.

Hey, if “stance” is what they like, more power to ‘em. However, I’m not about to apologize for finding the whole concept ridiculous.

Probably shouldn’t pick on the deceased, but....

Jeep once considered a “Cowboy” of its own

I've often wondered if Ford is doing the same thing with its EcoBoost engines.

My mother is currently fighting a battle with her leasing company because they believe she voluntarily turned her car in. They closed the account and ruined her credit and made it impossible for her to continue making payments. She never requested a repossession, and the car is comfortably stored in her garage. It's

Somebody has to buy new luxury or sports cars, or there won't be any used ones available.

I have no problem keeping a car I bought with low mileage a very long time - my ‘05 Accord V6 has 170K on it, no issues other than intermittently operating navigation, and I’ll drive it as long as the clutch holds out ($3000 to replace). However, to buy one with that many miles on it, I would need to know its full

I’d spec one that somebody 6’2” and built thick could fit into and drive without having to look over the windshield header.