i’ve seen plenty of blind items about him!
i’ve seen plenty of blind items about him!
I guess it’s easier to believe that a political operative is running a child slavery sex ring in a pizza parlor if a lot of the political operatives you know are running child slavery sex rings
“You can’t legislate against evil.”
Good evening David,
Little girl has spent her life being unwanted, uses her imagine to cope in greatest display of child resilience. Thinks someone finally wants to adopt her, finds out it’s a mistake, is heartbroken. Carries on, eventually winning the hearts of the people who adopted her and finding the love and family she always…
Really puts the burden on Jezebel and The Slot to carry us through, doesn’t it.
yet that there aren’t huge protests, boycotts
I’m a reporter in NC who interviewed a handful of state legislators about their support / non support of HB2. Hearing several different people give the exact same (I mean literally the exact same) quotes about protecting families and cities (i.e. Charlotte) “overstepping their boundaries” really is a glimpse into how…
Yeah I did something similar. Then I saw a documentary on it awhile back and realized how wrong I was. I didn't say it then, but I'm saying it now. I believe Anita.
Thank you so much for your honesty. It goes to show that we can often fail to recognize the real fight when we are deep inside it. The public and media pressure to vilify Anita Hill was huge, but we have the benefit of hindsight now to learn from.
there’s one other woman who made inroads in combating sexual harassment. her name is mechelle vinson who brought a lawsuit against her bank employer where a supervisor coerced her into a sexual relationship. her finally standing up and bringing the suit helped establish the standard to analyze conduct to determine…
Thank you for sharing your story.
God, that’s awful. It sounds like you were going through your own version of hell, so you shouldn’t feel badly you didn’t support her because that sounded like a good day to you. Which isn’t to say what she felt, from her lens, was any different than what you felt . But you were young and who could have equipped you…
Batiste dry shampoos, generally, are Da Bomb Dot Com, but I especially love the ‘Blush’ scent. It’s a very subtle scent (some of the others are a little strong for my taste) and wicks away any greasy ickiness while also giving a bit of a volume boost. I wash my hair every other day, but sometimes on weekends I’ll skip…
Batiste dry shampoos, generally, are Da Bomb Dot Com, but I especially love the ‘Blush’ scent. It’s a very subtle…
Batiste Dry Shampoos! The spray is tinted in several different shades so you don’t have to worry about your hair getting that tint of white! http://www.amazon.com/Batiste-Shampo…
Batiste Dry Shampoos! The spray is tinted in several different shades so you don’t have to worry about your hair…
I think it’s one of those things where they think it makes them look really great to other states when they really look like the cowboy hat wearin’, bible thumpin’, gun shootin’, gasoline guzzlin’, sister fucking, book burning, black hating, gay hating, Trans hating, 2 IQ point having, white bread, no culture,…