
Wait hang on. Since he was charged in Federal court, doesn't that mean Barbie Boots Desantis can't pardon him?

The way Mr. Hadad acted you'd think the guy had eaten his pets.

I’ve never been less shocked by anything involving Elon Musk in my life.

Blade Dumber

I’m mostly pleased it’s not a MAGA sign at this point. 

I’ve been a motorcyclist for Decades. I’m 50, and I’ve been rolling on 2 wheels since I was 15.
I’ve ridden cross country many, many times.
I’ve ridden in and been waved at in nearly every state, plus 3 Provinces.

Everyone is saying “aside from the obvious”. I’ll just say the obvious. There really is one ugliest truck of all time and no amount of sentences starting with “Dude” or “Bro” from the Tesla stans will convince me otherwise.

which are not freeway lanes

ahem, the flying public would be doomed... true.  i fly rarely, and am not near a major airport, so less likely doomed.  AI will kill me the old fashioned way, w/autonomous car tech.

Wait, that seatbelt sign is for real? Next you’ll be telling me I should keep my shoes and socks on, not jam my laptop repeatedly into the seat-back pocket, use headphones to watch movies on my iPad, and not bring my fried tuna fish sandwich on board. So much for land of the free, amiright? 

“Because imagine you are sitting with your children and watching the race and then someone is saying all of this dirty language. I mean, what would your children or grandchildren say? What would you teach them if that is your sport?”

So my wife is a rapper then? Because my God that woman can curse. In her early - late 20s she worked with commercial fishermen. To this day she can turn the air blue if something requires that vocabulary. Neither of our kids are big on swearing. We never hid it from them, but we did teach them about time and place,

This might be going out on a limb, but I’m starting to think these MAGA folks are out of touch with reality.

I’d say it’s more likely a rusted out F-150 festooned with the usual stickers in the back window.

Orange V6 with no mufflers and the stars and bars on top.

That means he grew up in a double-wide not a single.

So I guess the only unanswered question is “What color Challenger does he drive?”

The guy’s house was “hit by 20 bullets during a gunfight” earlier in the year. How is the house still operating as an AirBnB? What has to happen for the platform to delist the house? Why did the guy not file a civil suit over the shooting? How is the parking infraction his biggest concern? How could he possibly be the

Porsche 912E
