They’re taking over the trails in massive numbers. Driven by Bro-Douches not wearing any helmets because it blocks out the sound of the stereo systems they’ve installed on them. SxS’s are really cool little vehicles with how much power and suspension they’re designed and built with. Unfortunately they’re usually owned…
This is jalopnik. It needs to be on a turntable with a hairy dude in a short skirt, crop top, and bad wig standing next to it, smiling and doing the pageant wave.
Whoa-oh, black Yugo
It’s like those people who think it is ok to sit on someone else’s mootorcycle. I used to work in NYC and my Nightrod had one of those fandangled alarms with motion sensor that alerts me. adamn thing would go of two, three time a workday because people thought it is ok to have a seat, luckily they added bike parking…
My first response would be to find an apartment complex with rentable garages you can store your car in if you’re that concerned - but I know those tend to be hard to come by depending on the area.
I’ve been curious before, but I also know better than to touch. Plus, it looks like you might be getting ready to break into it or steal it. I feel weird about looking through windows to check if cars are stick or auto.
As an American, it sounds like you guys also have a Florida. My condolences.
Are you a 15 year old, cornbread hillbilly named Danny or Donny or Jimmy etc.?
I’d pop those tops....
It keeps transsexuals out of the “wrong” bathrooms in red states.
you can’t use the transbreak in NC
It’s a Beetle test mule.
Why exactly were you hanging around with a creep with a UTI or am I missing something?
Mr. Overton lives a few blocks from me. As remarkably healthy as Mr. Overton may be, he’s also 110 and needs long-term care. Last month his family set up a Go Fund Me campaign to help him remain in his house. Would love to see Jalopnik readers help him meet his funding goal:
I just need to work on the whole “runs just like I want it” part.
Honest question for Wyoming people:
Here in Texas, if you stay in a hotel, you can usually go get breakfast and find a waffle iron that makes Texas-shaped waffles. Do hotels in Wyoming have Wyoming-shaped waffle irons?
I need more big American land yacht I’m my life.