Dan's crisis

Having watched every episode of this season’s “Hard Knocks”, I can tell you that your assessment of Jon Gruden is spot on. He’s like amacho” high school math teacher, preening his beer gut in front of the dis-interested girls in class, while casting aspersion on the math abilities of the male students. Seriously,

Why don’t you explain exactly why you believe the job is too taxing for Joe Biden then, because of his age? I mean, what part of the job would be too much for him?

If you needed the mental acuity of a 25 year old to be President, then I might agree with your point. The fact is that the only constitutional restriction for a person’s body to be president is a MINIMUM age requirement, which undercuts your thesis that we need some sort of chess-champion Olympian to sit at a desk and

Its not ageism to want a candidate that isn’t in their 70s.

Unless he’s telling the truth.

So, It’s coming out that the video showing Johnny Depp ranting and raving drunk was shot by Heard the day that Johnny Depp found out his mother died. Also coming out that the bruises on her face were nothing more than make-up. The allegations that this was a hoax could well be true and, if proven, defamation would be

Who is divorced in the 1990 timeline?  The Hays are very much not divorced and Lucy is dead.

We absolutely did have outfield umps for the Jeffrey Maier play. Rich Garcia was absolutely emphatic about his call. Youtube it and you’ll see the ump and outfielder screaming at each other....

Feinstein was waiting for the moment of maximum disruption by not revealing the letter until the last moment. Isn’t that obvious?

I guess the only problem for the GOP is voting for an alleged rapist for the SCOTUS and then turning around and facing the women of their state.  Seems like a bit of a pickle to me....

He was hired in 2011.

My opinion is that the critics felt that they had to like the movie as they knew it would be a huge $uccess.  If you read many of the rotten tomato “positive” reviews, they are actually quite mild in their praise.  The critics were afraid of being left behind by the audience and have a commercial incentive to like

re: “The overwhelming majority of Americans don’t vote and aren’t even registered.”

The ratio of her texts to his is like 4 to 1.

This means war. We need to invade their country, kill their leaders, and convert them to christianity.

Bernie Williams was drafted by the Yankees