If I had money to consider this thing I would buy it. Then I would drive it.
If I had money to consider this thing I would buy it. Then I would drive it.
Navy pilots undergo rigorous training. Yet flight operations aboard aircraft carriers always present dangers and challenges to personnel on deck and in the air. All involved know so.
The US won’t tell journalists their military strategy!
Queue thinly veiled Trump slam piece.
You need to dial back your tough Internet guy bit about 15 notches right now.
Found the lonely unmarried bastard.
I can see the Craigslist ad now
D.B. Pooper
maybe you should sell your car and house to pay for those people first before judging a 70 year old man with a car collection. How about that?
He’ll be helping several when he hires them to restore his collection. Oh no, you want him to just give his money away. His money doesn’t disappear if he spends it on himself; it goes to others. Isn’t that all you’re asking for?
Your definition of “used in battle” is fairly exclusionary of the last 70+ years of carrier history, and their air-wing’s contributions to the Korean, Vietnam, Cold, and Gulf wars... not to mention GWOT. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.
HMAS Toowoomba
It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.
Yes I have... The flames are invisible.
His palms are sweaty, arms weak, doors heavy, something something LaFerrari.
Diner: “Can I have the double bacon cheeseburger, fries, beer and the injured player walk-through special please.”
Waiter: “Would you like the special teams player injury or can I interest you in upgrading to a starter?”
Charity doesn’t depreciate, and is always appreciated.