
If Trump tells Ivanka that Boeing sucks, bigly, and rants for awhile, and Ivanka goes out and shorts Boeing, and Trump an hour later Tweets that Boeing sucks, and Boeing’s stock tanks... is that insider trading?!

Now if only Donald used a US Government trading account to short LMT’s shares before he tweeted that then boom, he just managed to fund some of the F-35 overspend. In fact with those tactics he could probably make a pretty good stab at wiping out the national debt given enough time.

His kids. They can commit any insider fraud they want for the next four years then get pardoned. It’s the perfect crime.

I’d love to know what a jet-vs-jet flyoff between an F-35 and an A-10 involves. The A-10 isn’t intended to engage air-to-air, so they must mean a role-based competition with objectives, but how the hell do you quantify that? The F-35 might do fine when firing on dummy targets, but how will the mighty GAU-8 be afforded

I think they need to bring back full production with modern glass cockpit, targeting and comms and designate it what the Soviet tanker corps used to call it. Devil’s Cross.