Peter M. Smith

Yes, we’ve all seen PCU.

Amen to this. I think vacations booked through Costco travel and paid for with the Costco card will net Executive members 5% back. That’s not a small savings, if the hotel/travel comes out to $2400 or more that pays for the membership tier for a year.

If XP can only be used for cosmetics, who cares if somebody is farming the system?

...no bueno when you’re trying to squeeze your breasts between two buns.

If you’re ever in Wisconsin you should check out the Bong Recreation Center, between Kenosha and Racine.

This jives with my experiences with Mormons. One family, the father drinks nothing hot nor anything with caffeine. I’ll see him sitting at a table with another Mormon gentleman of similar age who is drinking a glass of Coke (his preferred drink). Last year, the first man’s son came out to visit. We went for dim sum,

Injury information should not be completely disclosed. PII should be scrubbed, otherwise you’re going to be disseminating a person’s medical history.

‘tis true. The best way to keep a Mormon from stealing all your beer while fishing is to bring along another Mormon.

Batou, as played by Ron Perlman.

SeaTac has a Qdoba. Junk that you can use to assault your fellow travelers!

Naah, I’ll keep buying in bulk. Mostly because everything you mentioned is simply waste management and not solely restricted to bulk purchases.

Up the jetway and through the cabin door.

The one by my office is owned by a woman. So no, it doesn’t.

There are a pair of CFAs I frequent that are owned by the same fellow. One in the town he lives in, the other six miles up the same road the first one has an address on. Based on the e-mails I get from both restaurants he’s not favoring one over the other.

Also from Galactica, but going in the complete opposite direction, is Jamie Bamber’s American accent. The first time I heard his native voice was a record scratch “Wait, what?” moment.

AYCE hot pot. Accept no substitutes.

Abt, an appliance store in the northern Chicago suburbs, gives you a small box of microwave popcorn with every microwave purchase. It’s probably the best I’ve had in a long time. The bag fills, rarely do I have more than a dozen or two unpopped kernels, and the flavor is buttery without being overpowered. It’s too bad

It’s more secure with respect to the disk as a whole. If there is an attack against the Win7 VM the damage would be contained to the VM itself. But the VM itself would be no more safer than being installed on bare metal as it’s still running the Win7 OS.

I gave my start for your needs.

Unless you've seen aluminum in a controlled, oxygen free environment then you've never seen actual aluminum. Oxygen bonds with aluminum so readily that any aluminum you see is aluminum (III) oxide (Al2O3).