
as he should because right-wing radical domestic terrorists are much more of an actual threat to american lives

A country in which guns are birthday presents is a sick country. I love the U.S. for many reasons, but it has a deep festering sickness that won’t be healed.

Okay but like if you were to look up serial killer in the dictionary this is what would be there.

Gun owners are 32 times more likely to kill someone without cause than to act in self-defense.

WHAT conservative town? Where did this happen? When did it happen? Yeah, I can read it at the link; however if you’re going to aggregate this story, include the basic journalistic “W’s”

The placements really screw with my head. I’m guessing that Zach Braff isn’t talking about Anna Faris’ mom’s french toast. So he’s just saying in general that the word “artisanal” shouldn’t be used? I may be ok with that.

Wondering why there was no immediate evacuation after the first attack.

What’s wrong with Brad Pitt?

I don’t know Tom, I mean. I am afraid here at Deadspin to say what I think without repercussion. I mean, I get the ESPYs are just famewhoring anyways. I do think reasonable people (not necessarily just Bob Costas) have legit hesitations about hoisting Caitlyn up so unequivocally. I’m sorry :(

It is disgusting that he’s doing this. On the flip side, why are these women ok with having his kids?

Maybe. But he’s a guy who seemingly does nothing these days but A) performing comedy and B) talking to comedians. So I’m guessing he’s not entirely talking out of his butt here.

Yes. It is breathtaking.

Well, she doesn’t know what she does either. Other than being Kanye’s ex-girlfriend, and doing porn and modeling, I have no idea why this person thinks they can write an advice book about finance, love or life. Anybody who thinks it’s a good idea to inject silicone into their ass shouldn’t be allowed to give life

If I didn’t read Jezebel I would have no idea who Amber Rose is and I still don’t know what she does.

Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks

she looks thrilled

First off, we all know that we can’t believe what we see on the cover of Vanity Fair, or other magazines, right?

I agree. In fact, how about releasing a week’s worth of Kardashian-free Dirtbags? Challenge accepted?

I’ve had dogs and cats all my life. I can’t imagine preferring one over the other. They are both awesome and total assholes in their own way. I do, however, neosporin the hell out of kitty puncture wounds because even if your body can fight off the bacteria, the wound hurts like hell.