
I guess, back then, Hefner didn't yet know that he wasn't supposed to show pussy in his photos.

It takes a really special kind of person to read an article about a man who was humiliated and called horrible slurs simply for trying to do his job and come away thinking that the people who want to shame the people responsible are the malicious ones.

I hope to God somebody publishes names, so a bunch of rich white legacy shitheads can never again apply for a job without the prospective employer Googling their names and getting hits involving the phrase "faggot nigger."

You sound like a pro-lifer:

I really can't get behind this whole "rando" thing. I understand abbreviating long words, but random is literally only one letter longer than rando. Bah humbug, get off my lawn.

Any effort to make the Palin's likable is a total fail for me. They could be posing next to the cure of cancer and I would still feel like throwing up.

So pageant contestants will be wearing less revealing clothing...to please the strict Muslim country the pageant is being held in.

I hate all tourists.

For my fellow Americans, I would add this bit of advice from Dave Sedaris: "Comfort has its place, but it seems rude to visit another country dressed as if you've come to mow its lawns."

Separate bathrooms for the win! We may always live in the sticks, but we poo in private and have lasted almost ten years.

Terrifying wood shards aside, it still pleases me a great deal that we launch multi-million dollar ships by basically hurling them at the sea.

groupthink is down, so here's today's doggy pic

Hibbert's grin is by far my favorite part.

Pssshh, that's clearly a photoshop. Here's the original.

It doesn't appear to have been mentioned yet, but...

White pants are a privilege not a right, grandma.

I'm sorry... my sincere condolences.

Sure you can.

I feel like the new site design is really hurting Jezebel's traffic. Tweet beat used to get hundreds of thousands of views. I'm all for clean design but Jezebel may need to rethink their design if it's killing their page views.