My late beloved parents both died shortly before his first victory...makes me sad for them but they never could have lived now...
My late beloved parents both died shortly before his first victory...makes me sad for them but they never could have lived now...
Barack is too good for us as well as deserving of a far better life
My cat is Eli, officially, though I have always called him Bebe or Mr. B...used to be Bebe stood for “bad boy” as he was a handful as a young cat...somehow he became Bebe. My cats of the past were Percy, Ralph, Jane and Mookie.
They would need new friends with some diversity this time...
Unless that is “us” like the royal “we”, the $ these wastes of oxygen generate prove this can’t be true...plenty of people are slaves to their “junk” but maybe not admitting it. Would love all of Jez to ban them.
I like nothing about TS but this just seems wrong. IF it was is obvious by now that neither is claiming it (a love relationship). So it is not like they are “out” and no one should be assuming they are gay or bi unless they say so.
Yes it is gross...and also many times in my long life when my best friend was far more fun to be with than any current man. If I was super rich this would apply triple. Would love to have a custom guest room for a best friend.
‘Murica is best. This is just more fake news.
The chemistry with Lin was worth the wait.
Deporting, arresting, hassling undocumented people is at least half of what his moronic base voted him to do. He has also managed to increase acts of public hey he is serving his people.
Kind of loving this version of Sacha...
It won’t anything he will get the lifetime one anyway, just to go away
Just the newest way of thinning the herd
Mila did not marry AK the following year...
Not anymore...Trump has brought all closet racists out of the closet, and converted some middlers who are skeered of immigrants...I feel we are at our most racist point in many years.
Exes are “ex” for reasons. No need to revisit the misery, heartbreak, or just loathing again. I have never “gotten back” with an ex...when I am done, I’m done. Same with toxic friends. I am an “old” and have found I’ve never missed any of the people I have got clear of. My three good friends are of 20+ yrs standing,…
Has the word “best” changed meaning lately...she has about 100 “best” friends. Poor me, I have one best friend, and a few close friends.
Mandatory paid leave for new parents is not coming to ‘Merica anytime soon. nothing for these folks?
Matt L. may be an idiot among other things but any person with a fortune like that is well aware where 1/2 is going in a divorce. It can’t be any kind of surprise. Regardless I am sure all rich people hate handing it over, not just this guy.
Is that “rose gold”...