
That is a pretty weak round-up of “celebs” hit by the AM scandal so far.

He did the movie thing once or all the time? Just not seeing how it is a huge deal, if it was a one-day bail-out. Everyone needs that. Mom needs to do the same.

These people look like glazed sociopaths. Reminds of Nazi rallies...

Who is still sending away for DVD’s? I am an “old” but even I don’t do that.

That does not excuse the family eating the food and not paying for it. Unless they all suffer from dementia.

Wait, Stevie Nicks??

WTF is “at snack”? A rich prep school thing?

The reanactment shows are mostly terrible, narraration horrible. “Disappeared” was the best but no longer on. Was also the most vital, as it portrayed current missing people. And now Jerry Springer has a show. Really has gone downhill. Too bad.

Everyone needs to stop writing about this person.

I have about 100 hardcovers and my library system will no longer take book donations. Which is too bad for them, as I only bought them because they were not available at the library. I am unable to life the boxes to take them to thrift shop. I ended up leaving them behind when my marriage ended last year. Not so easy

Those yacht prices make me ill. Really?

Obviously, KK does care what people think...

Wait, I thought it was Justin’s fake birthday party, not hers...

yay. I always disliked her for no real reason. Now I have one.

Well, they do have to go see doctors, etc...it is very difficult to help adults if they don’t seek it or worse, permit it. I have a brother who is mentally ill, doesn’t leave the house, my other brother cares for him, runs the house, etc. He won’t see doctors, hasn’t in twenty plus years. I have terrors of some kind

if I walk past my cat and pause to scratch his back a bit, he won’t let it be...wants the whole Monty. Reminds me of how with most men, if you hug them, they think it means sex.

Jane did not eat the lobster by mistake; Jane was with George and she walked around naked when George was off buying fresh tomatoes. Rachel ate the lobster.

I hate Cosmo but this country is so puritanical and fucked up.

Almost afraid to post this, but I think parenting style has a major impact. Driven parents who want “only the best” for their kids and have constantly told their kids they ARE the best and can “do or be anything” as long as they strive for it create kids who when they find out, inevitably, that they actually CAN’T ,

Reese makes my teeth hurt. I can’t watch movies if she is in them, except “Election”. So maybe I am missing a few decent films but my teeth feel better. She just grates on me so much in general, I don’t want to see her act.