
Lol common sense and gun control measures...oxymoron

Most feet should stay covered...

Fifty percent of Americans will agree.

To be fair, the article says that George won’t give Kate a moment alone since the new baby arrived...common(er?) jealousy issues...

Maybe Fairfield PD could work on solving the murder of Katelyn Markham from 2011...as well as at least one other young woman.

A. I do not understand why anyone would want to survive “doomsday.

I get that standardized testing leaves much to be desired, but this kinda sounds like a rich kid school and/or some utopia where kids do what they want and are never questioned. Testing in itself is not an evil. Most people will need to prove some skills (reading, writing, maths, etc) to succeed in the real,world,

You gotta know your auidience...not sure why he thought there would not be backfire in a town ruled by churchy conservatives. Also...how do they treat those with actual birth defects?

I have heard of some of these people

Is he super rich? Just not seeing much to be attracted to here, she could surely do better than a drunk.

This needs a follow-up...when was the wedding, are they still married...etc

HD needs to go up one size on her ripped jeans

As long as Chris Brown keeps finding women to be with him, he will continue to do his thing

Just read “Flappers”, which is about women in the UK between the wars, mostly the 1920’s. When (some) women got the vote finally, the big concern of the men was that they would all vote Labour, the closest thing to the dreaded socialists, which proved not to be the case at all. In fact, more women tended toward the

My family consisted of 8 kids and 2 parents. We took trip to upstate NY to visit relatives annually, a four-hour drive, in a station wagon; 4 kids in the way back, 3 in the regular backseat and the baby up front. Suitcases tied to roof by my dad :) or sort of tied...one time the oldest, a sister, started shrieking as

Really, who gives a hoot? They have chosen their (stupid) cause, let the, waste money on lawyers. Keeps people employed, I guess.

If the only source is Reddit...why is this even an article...

If you have a few million sitting around, you might get closer to getting a body like hers. It don’t come cheap.

I really loathe RW and her romantic comedies. Only ever liked “Election”...all downhill from there.

Seems like more and more celebs are adopting through shelters. Those are ads or promos I would not mind seeing all the time. Except we don’t want people adopting if they do not really want a pet just because a celebrity did.