
Getting ready for Olympics...

So...without condoms? :(

Oh that poor cat

So the actors and actresses had to pose for stupid pictures. They worked directly for the studios, unlike now. They had no choice. Not sure what the point of this is?

Looks like they both used the same surgeon

Why do dresses almost always have to be sleeveless?? I am smaller but hate showing my arms and have so much trouble finding dresses with sleeves. If I do buy one, I have to get a sweater or some sort of jacket to go with it. Does everyone but me love sleeveless?

*best on white bread

Who thought the US would ever become less racist? If anything, the racists are better at hiding it from time to wait...but just wait until the next economic downturn, war, terrorist act, etc...

My cat knocks stuff off the counter all the time...but worst thing he does is stand up facing TV with paws on top...I just know he will pull it down one day...I think he only does it when I am here to suffer though...

Counting on good behavior by adults is always a good idea.

Kim Z. should worry more about grammar than thighs.

I don't know who Kristen Cavaleri (sp?) is.

Food is food. As long as the items qualify under the program, what's the problem? Though buying the most expensive items on a regular basis may not be the wisest as the card value would diminish sooner, wouldn't it? Don't they get refilled monthly?

Cat toys are a complete waste of money...and I have wasted plenty. He wants wadded up newspaper, any size of empty box, or ideally both. Also be prepared for your cat to swipe objects from countertops, desks, tables, etc. No reason except to do it. Buy a bag of catnip if you must go down the cat toy aisle.

Well, mine is blond, lol...have not given in to gray yet. If I have gray hair, it doesn't show. But lots of women here wear waist-length gray hair...I would keep it in a bun, personally.

In NM, it is long gray hair, lol. I have to admit that I am not a fan of the look. I am fiftyish and keep my hair shoulder length, so that I can put it up. My hair is too curly, tending to frizz, to keep it short even if I chose to, which I don't.

I made my salon appointment last week online, for cut and color. And she had a little box for extra info. Lots of stylists enroll in online booking, you can google and put your zip code or city on one of the sites to find out who. I hate talking on the phone. With my comments, she knew my age, how nervous I was, etc

I refill water bottles all the time but I do put them in fridge, as I only like water very cold.

tight, sheer, low does not equal sexy...

Oh good...something for the talking heads to dissect during this weekend's dead boring Final Four...