
I would be willing to bet that your average 'Merican cannot prouounce any of the names mentioned, except maybe Ben R.'s and his only due to cnstant repition from teevee...

I was so hoping the new year would be less Kardashians...should have known better.

My husband and I separated two weeks ago, after twenty+ years together...I moved to an apartment and am apparently starting a new life. Not sure what 2015 will bring. I find myself wanting to do things like adopt another pet, change my hair, buy things I don't need and can't afford, but am deferring all such decisions

I got caught up in the SVU marathons this week too...but today they switched to NCIS...:(

I really hate the whole adults wanting to dress like babies thing...overalls are tots and farmers.

For the less than smart...what is the set-up here? My cat would do this. He and I just moved...he needs new stimuli.

So even New Year's Eve is all about kids now? Can't adults have anything?

when they OD on all of that hotness will Joe and Sofia eventually "love" each other? Instead of "being in love"? That is what decides if a relationship will last...Imo

If you really must spend time with people who are fussy eaters/have severe dietary restrictions...forget the meals and just invite them for decaf or herbal tea...good grief. Life is too short.

please find her mugshot...please?

...more than I can bear..."unless you were making a pun?

In Australia, they announced the wrong girl as winner when they did it live. A big fucking mess.

Battery seems like the right charge...

What is an uber platform? Something from Crate and Barrel?

please poop on her train...

why do you care what LD does...

No one said it had to be a skirt


So many old books, including "classics" include casual racism or worse. What is to be done with them all? Should it be hidden that Americans and Europeans were mostly racist in previous centuries or decades?

So they are all using on-line dating??