
I want to dictate my treat-giving by costume...no Ebola-themed, no NFL violence-themed, no leftover "Breaking Bad" etc...nut don't want my shabby little house to end up worse off than it began the evening...

are there many 20-years who don't (have perfect breasts)?

I like her but I do hope her husband is the killer, in a way. Her character is quite smug about knowing the whole time inside out.

BP is "bright"? I assume you mean she glows in the dark or something.

How can people know if the CDC or whoever is right about transmission or contagion though? I mean telling the nurse it was okay to travel was insane, Imo, since she was a close caretaker of an ill patient. I am just not sure their info can be 100% trusted, or if they hold back to prevent panic, or what. All we can do

Years ago, my sister got a review of her wardrobe on a performance review. she just had a very old-fashioned, outdated style, nothing at all too short, tight etc. She was on an executive track. She did her crying at home and spent the weekend shopping for a suit or two, good shoes and a bag, blouses etc. and did a

Hoping it was pop quiz day.

I got married in NY while living in NM. Everything was done by mail and phone, no email or web sites really in 1994. Never made it to Ny during that year. My sister picked up menus, etc from the hotel, which I knew, and mailed them to me. I circled shit and sent it back. I had a dress made for $150 and shipped it to

How can the fear in the African people be abated? Can it? Even if all of the money, medicine and workers needed were there, could they actually treat significant numbers? Keep them isolated, etc.?

Wait, who believes in these ratings? Or any ratings?

Since she never tried to make it on her looks, she probably gets roles strictly based on talent. Hollywood knows what she looks like and how great she is at portraying various characters and almost all movies have roles that hardly require show-stoppingbeauty. If only more talented women dared to show themselves from

If so many Americans weren't such lazy sloths, where would our economy be? Imports of clothing, as well as other items, plus whatever is still made here count on lots of people throwing items out rather than doing minor repairs.

Ok isn't SC one of those states wanting to secede? Who/what is stopping them? Hate to be able to ask this on two threads in one afternoon...

Who, exactly, is preventing certain states from seceding?

My fav show in a long time.

Tom did I miss a bear post last week? Sorry for OT...

At least not all strapless...

So was Holden :)

Just certain UK series are really excellent compared to US for me. The Fall, Broadchurch, Luther, Happy Valley, Scott and Bailey, Inspector Morse, etc

I watched the series last weekend and was depressed when I went to continue to season two and there isn't one. But I think they are doing a new season, due to ratings. Have you tried Spiral? It is French with subtitles, so excellent.