
Praying, in my way, for these trendy, destination, hipster, artisan-y etc weddings to go away forever very soon. Not calling for churches, necessarily, I was married inside a hotel, where everyone stayed and drank and ate and danced. One-stop shopping. I will only travel for a relative's wedding...and only a select

Sounds like a douching product...

Ha, ha I read that as Kim...

That's cuz kids don't wait for anything now. They get it all, now.

From the background info, sounds like she had the drive and opportunity to kill her mother for years. Bali was an unwise decision, to say the least. She might not get all of he shrinks on board to analyze her childhood (which was pretty lux) etc...

Wait, McD still has this?? And I never knew?

Do adults really watch this?

Is there even a dead son?? I don't know anymore...

My last, and final job before I gave in to disability, was a complete nightmare. For two years prior to leaving, I requested (begged) for shorter hours, part time hours, wage reduction, loss of insurance, etc...anything to work 25-30 hours per week, which I felt I could handle if I came in a seven, as pain worsens

is she making a sad face in photo? Or is that her face on silicone?

I bet the baggie has her DNA on it. And they make a policy of turned any suspicious items taken from bodies to police, for examination, etc.

I just get the feeling everything Reese does is planned (if not choreographed...)

I dunno, people lived without Starbacks etc for centuries...now we can't can't wait a minute (or a few weeks) for anything?

i have the most basic phone in existence...and I am older then you. It does not even take pics and has one ring tone.

What it did is make me want a dog.

Most dogs behave in public places much better than children.

What is unbelievable about KK planning a buffet of procedures?

Just a ? Has any one of these extremists ever offered a viable solution as to what will become of all the babies born to mothers who are unable to obtain an abortion? Especially minorities? Will THEY adopt them?

I emailed her a few years ago, via her publisher, after reading her autobiography and she replied :)

Too late...I have almost zero faith in the majority in the country anyway. Actually I am embarrassed to be a white American.