
'Merica is mostly afraid of nakedness. Then science.

This too shall pass. When the dollars dry up, even Hollywood will have to rethink their strategies. But please...not rom coms.

I don't get why this had to be Jeter night anyway. He is playing the rest of the season, isn't he? He isn't dying, right?

He would probably get a fortune on fund me or whatever

It is not like it is real...if that was her natural butt, it would be on thing, but it is more like an attachment, isn't it? And ridiculous, Imo.

Not odd. Do not see a connection.

We need fry cooks...restaurants are everywhere. Don't be so quick to dismiss decent honest labor.

Just stop paying the bill...

I love Cameron. And she uses menage as a verb.

It does not matter what year, or century it is. This segment of the population will always exist. The internet is their playground. They ain't going away.

I am the bad person in the corner trying to feel bad for Camille, but failing...

Wishing terms like "craft beers" would go away...

Are minorities really lining up to work at Fox News...

Gustl is smart to have requested a clean dish.

Yeah, no...I don't need any friends that badly.

Four years later, shadow divorce followed by the real thing...

People are just such inane assholes. Animals rule.

What does this mean"..."...oil's not like any other seven-year old girl has ever been very set...being a princess." Oils??

I would do anything to be removed from a Brad Paisley concert...

I really likeFive Guys grilled cheese...so basic and rubbery.