
(my cat is named Eli...)

If Jay said he hated Solange's dress, I wouldn't be mad...one awful dress.

I don't think this video clip requires a whole essay on sisters right now. We have no clue what went down there or why. Probably just too much booze...

I kind of do not expect any level of live and let live in some states, especially in the schools. SC is never a surprise.

what is the point on "in school" suspension ? Sounds like an oxymoron...

better send them to an out of state achool...might be the only years they aren't in the house, costing money and causing extra work...or do like me and skip kids altogether...

$25K damage on a mobile home? And it was only partially damaged?

Unless she is about to tip herself overboard on a ship, is there ever a good reason to place one's hand on a women's stomach for a photo?

Really? Prom is such a big deal to most kids? Or just to the jocks and cheerleader types?

More often than not, I am just ashamed to be American. This is one of those times. I am sometimes glad, relieved, or feel lucky as compared to many other countries, but ever proud. What is it we are supposed to be proud of again?

Lena Dunham has to be trolling. Neil Patrick looks ridiculous. Kristin W. needs a stylist, or a new one.

Cynthia Nixon is wearing a nightmare. Megan mcCain will have had her boobs for dinner.

I don't know...it kind of makes me fear that everyone is a potential bully, just waiting to come out.

"While it is there are some pretty fucked up..." Etc. Boy that reads tough

I am pretty sure it is the best thing for her employer...to kind of decrease the hordes of media at the door if they think she is there. I doubt the purpose is really for hr to be able to sit at home and eat cheese and suck down wine.

How do these anti-government , anti-union people justify happily accepting Social Security and union pensions from those jobs that used to have such a thing? I wonder this often.

lots of parents are sick fucks these days, in entirely new ways.

But...Mommy and Daddy pay for everything!

I am so happy that Lupita came long to take much of the spotlight off of JL for a while. So over Jennifer Lawrence's "antics". If there can only be one "it" girl at a time, long may Lupita reign.

Vegas wants you to be downstairs...not drinking in your room.