
The top picture looks like it's the beginning of some Cyndi Lauper video.

I dunno, I was on board with that whole Princess Diana car chase thing.

@Gravy: Now everyone knows about my night time activities. +1

So your telling me TO eat the bread and wine? Got it. Check.

Congrats Pareene on your hangover. I just took an award winning dump from last nights mixture of polish sausage, doritos, miller lite, kabob and tomato basil soup. As I type this I have learned that I probably missed a spot while wiping thus meaning my computer chair is going to stink, like shit, unless I do something

Worse yet, he could have rode his bike.

Another Tebow post? How many boners am I going to have today?

@Steve U: The Oilers to Tennessee where there is no oil.

Jake Peavy? I was hoping for something more along the lines of Geoff Blum, The Alomar Brothers, Jose Valentine, Willy Harris, Ross Gload, Ben Davis, Joe Borchard, Damaso Marte, Juan Uribe or some of the other horse shit my brain has had to process in the last 6 years.


@This is my Star: It was beige shirt night at the Cell and it was the only one I had.

One mans suicide attempt after learning about the possible production of Men in Black 3 starring Martin Lawrence.

Socks? Really?

The Jean Shorts, Fingered Girlfriend and boob popper are courtesy of me. Here's a jean shorts picture we can all enjoy. I'll continue posting them throughout the day.

Here is the spot on the doll where Mr. Van Pelt touched me.

@TimCouchFanatic: I think he lens out too much of his free time to help the hungry children in Africa.

I clicked the link with the assumption it would be a naked picture of a wet Tim Tebow. Instead it's something to do 'bout his goddamned eyes? Sorry Dash but this is just GAAAAYYYY.

Was there a pro-pube movement going on at that time or is it just really unkempt?