
Johnny 99

You forgot this guy, but for some killjoy judges, he would be “Romanceo Sir Tasty Maxibillion.

I have been cooking for my kids most every night for the last 20 years, and I find that, yes, it does satisfy my need for order. And also you can make it a lot healthier than pre-processed or fast food. Once the kids expect a plate of fruit before dinner and a vegetable with it, you have created a good foundation.

Fencing response, he was knocked out.

No, they didn’t.

The cards fan base is pretty diverse based upon who shows up to their games. Can’t say the same about a Wrigley Field crowd at a game I went to last summer.

Trolling as journalism. Yay?

I’m an ex-NYC giggling asshole, pretty much like you guys. Love the site. Hate the Cardinals trolling. You almost done with that?

I like you guys a lot, but hate the Cardinals trolling. You almost done with that?

As a wise-ass former NYC guy I like this site a lot, but hate the Cardinals trolling. Are you almost done with that?

Deadspin has been a generally enjoyable part of my daily surf for years, but I'm out guys, good luck.