Cameron Boucher

ok so what kind of person does this? buys a car and then just has it in a garage for 30 years and never drives it? is it someone that thought it would be a good investment, like never opening his millennium falcon, but was wrong? is there a market for cars that you can’t and don’t drive? are those people all 60 years

hey, be fair it isn’t quite as ugly as in these pictures. that broken rear spoiler is supposed to be down when it’s just sitting there.

yeah the chrysler website is the saddest god damned thing you’ll see.

the sole proprietorship tax rate is 15.3%. the corporate tax rate does not apply to them.

it’s not hard to give most of the relief to the people in the middle that pay taxes and aren’t making their money off of money they already had.

insurance companies paid good money to make seatbelts mandatory.

i was thinking OK well if i could get it for $2k would i buy it and do an engine swap? the google says the only realistic swap option is the same engine made after ‘08. this thing missed its cash for clunkers usefulness window.

she’s not there to explain. she’s there to be blonde and pretty.

that interior is the automotive equivalent of an adult theater, and from the outside it looks like a kit car. my Oh Fuck It price is 8 grand so CP.

and gullwings?

CP. you really don’t have to work this hard to bone poor and dumb 18 year olds.

I don’t know. If I saw someone driving this the first thing I would think is, “I bet that guy can’t take a punch.”

Also, the Transit kind of looks like I’m about to drop off someone else’s old people at the Indian Casino.

I don’t think this would work in the US. My kids don’t deserve anything this nice in the back, because they’d shit it up in minutes. I would never buy this vehicle for the same reason we all go to Taco Bell when my wife is going to get home late.

some people have exactly 3 kids and they need to be separated so nobody gets murdered.

it looks like an ugly car barfing up an uglier car. or a crossover version of Alien.

I really hope this thing finds a good home. For an ‘87 custom Vette, it’s understated and clean. But for 18k, that home won’t be mine.

no doy.

i don’t believe you. i guess they look safer, but never cooler.

I’m guessing it’s because it’s Longhorn Burnt Orange almost, and you’d have to be kind of a stereotypical Austinite to buy this thing for that much money.