Cocoa C

The REALLY gross part...

It doesn’t matter she “didn’t mean it that way”! It’s racist. It is literally part of her job to think about “intent vs. impact”. Fuck this, fire her.

A further sign that the American education system is failing.

Early in my career, I taught in elementary school. I only taught in two separate school systems before life took my career elsewhere, (so it’s been a while, and things might be different) but from my experience, I’d have a certain curriculum and books I’d need to adhere to, and lesson plans I would follow (some my

Good god. This person should not be teaching. I get so frustrated that so many young people of color are left in the care of ignorant ass people like this. This is only one lesson but the lack of respect or understanding for people of color is so clear in this content - I don’t need to see the rest of her lesson plans.

“She’s a good teacher. She didn’t mean it that way. Some people took offense to it and I know how she meant it,” one student told CNN-affiliate WCBS.

Are we just supposed to ignore the fact these children are hand writing hash tags?

This feels like he's setting up a path to justify violently cracking down on us (everyone not demonstrably on his side) in the event of dems gaining power in the election. This is really scary. 

It’s been ok for 585 days 21 hours and 10 minutes.

So if the Democrats win, what’s the point of this supposed violence bullshit?

GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you just admitting this is the 1st step and that you’re a good human being.