
You know. I hated it the first moment. Well, maybe not hated it but certainly wasn’t believing this would actually be the real deal.
Then I thought...wait a second, there’s something I like about it. The pic with the tent and the slightly beige color went full 70/80's retrofuturistic and then it clicked with me.


Quick fix:

I can’t wait to see video of Elon driving the "CyberTruck” around the Nurburgring, pulling a trailer, out-running a 911 (any 911), while marksman shoot bullets (any kind of actual bullets) at it.  Getting my popcorn ready...

Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.

First, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Came here to say the same, so thank you!! Cedar Point is so badass its worth the trip alone just for that. There’s a reason its either #1 or #2 amusement park in the world every year.

It’s worth it even if only for Cedar Point.

No. No no no no. This has no scientific basis whatsoever, at all, ever.

It’s impossible to catch the flu from the modern flu shot. Unless your last flu shot was decades ago you either a) caught the flu anyway from a source other than the shot (it’s not 100% effective but that’s no reason to not still get the shot) or b) caught something else and thought it was the flu.

Yeah...but the fact that apparently a ton of Jedi were active at the time makes it confusing when Han Solo doesn’t believe they were real.  I mean, he’s a few years older than Luke and Leia.  He’s friends with Chewbacca, who literally served in the wars and fought with a Jedi...and Han still thinks they were frauds. 

It wasn’t until something like the 22nd draft that Vader = Luke’s father comes up, even. In the earlier drafts, Luke’s father shows up as a force ghost while Luke is on Dagobah. And Lucas didn’t even write the script for ESB. So unless people think that after reviewing a literal score of drafts of the script Lucas

Honestly Luke and Leia being Vader’s kids fucked up the timeline completely. I mean Yoda was some ancient space wizard who lived to be 900. Totally plausible Obi-Wan was crazy old too, and Darth Vader as well by extension.

This is literally the most plausible space scene in TLJ. You can survive in the vacuum of space for up to a minute and a half with only minor injury and a simple push would have propelled her in the opposite direction. The only thing not rooted in physics here is using the force to initiate the push. Literally the

Well, since in his original draft of the Star Wars, Darth Vader is in no way related to Luke Skywalker and is actually younger than him, and that in the original draft of Empire Strikes Back, again, he is not Luke’s father, yes. I am very certain it is a coincidence. He’s named after the word “invader.”

Electing royalty is one thing; electing adolescents to be royalty strikes me as asking for trouble, but maybe it works for them. :) (I mean, I remember being fifteen. Let’s just say I wasn’t ready to rule a planet and leave it at that.)

I think part of the problem is that the films have never dug particularly deep into what “turning to the dark side” really means.

As far as Princess Leia getting her title, I get what you mean. It’s the kind of thing where it was given to her originally and then they went in a different direction ultimately with the story and they found an awkward way to address it. Much like Obi-Wan not remembering R2, Yoda not actually being the one who

I’d accept that argument before believing that she just fell for the dude.