
I backed this project because I truly believe that their intentions are good. I understand that there are some crooked people out there, but even from all the "proof" that she's a "scam," I don't think it's compelling enough for me to call her out and point fingers. I only donated $5, but I'd support any little girl

Honestly I'm a bit bummed with Sim City. It's not a huge improvement over the previous. I thought it was going to be deep and complex (If you wanted it to be) with sophisticated AI but it's really just like the other ones with updated graphics. I'll probably build a few more cities and get bored.

Hahaha I love this GIF omg I hate you for making me laugh so much

First thing I thought was "Dickland! Brilliant..." Then I remembered I'm an adult... Haha.

Son of a BITCH. I don't have money for this guys. But I'm gonna do it, anyway. Damn you kickstarter, damn you.

I think as a creative person you just have an idea and run with it. They all have a decent amount of talent and it's good to exercise it doing things that you love. I'm a musician and not every song I write is going to be a hit and not everything will be put to good use in media. It's probably fun, it's practice, it

Wow, I don't think I had any issues with this game at all? I first had an issue on PC regarding shadows and terrible frame rates. I think I ended up dropping the quality and it worked out fine and then they fixed it later. Animations aren't great but I really loved this game.

I'd LOVE to play with my console friends if my characters and account transferred. Not a must buy for me, but it might be worth getting into again after the initial honeymoon period died.

Look at that! We're a rarity these days. I prefer FPS's and strategy games on PC but love to play adventure games and the awesome PS exclusives from my couch (In surround on my new TV!)

I think there's an obvious illusion of teenagers who just like to start things on the internet. I read some ridiculous comments on Facebook like "Omg controller is so ugly and stupid" and "wow these games suck xbox ftw" and there's just no substance there whatsoever.

This GIF is full of win.

No way! A company existing to make money? Unbelievable... *Sarcasm* I enjoyed Diablo 3 on PC thank you very much. And I'd probably enjoy it as much on consoles.

I never owned an xbox, so I always loved the playstation controller. That is, until I started playing an xbox controller at a friend's house and realized that I do actually like it. I sure hope they had a tiny bit of that tension you're talking about, I think it would help a lot.

I never understood Diablo fans. I loved Diablo 3 for the most part (Having only played D2) but I'm not that kind of person that sinks 300 hours into a game. I played 80 hours with some friends, a few characters, had a blast, called it quits. I think it's super weird that people want to beat it into the ground and play

I'm curious if you'll be able to use this to do things like virtually "reaching" out for objects or placing things in games. He mentioned it will be able to sense the "depth" of the controller but didn't really explain how that was useful besides identifying the controller.

I know, man, I'm right there with you. I don't understand what's up with the gamer crowd. Let's start our own club. "People who love gaming and don't complain about everything." Very excited about today.

Man, I can't keep up with graphics cards these days. When I was younger and had money to spend on "things" I'd save up my money just to upgrade my cards in my computers I built. Back in the "Ti" days of Nvidia when upgrading was actually worth it. Titan looks like a beast but... Man, I'd never spend that kind of money

This game was so bad. So... Bad...

I think it depends on what kind of game it is. Most people who aren't familiar with games don't want to invest so much time into it. My girlfriend watched me (accidentally) play games like Heavy Rain and LA Noire and she thought they were pretty interesting. I told her she could probably get away with playing it on

FUCK. I need another job.