
So should you

I’ve never been particularly fond of this analogy, especially considering that playing sports is an entirely voluntary act.

As soon as I saw the headline, my brain said, “this was a Republican, right?” And yes, lo and behold it was a Republican. Guys, you really need proper multi party democracy.

Those are all good questions.

Add Dennis Miller, Louis CK, and Tim Allen to the latter list as well. 

Brilliant take.


I have a simple rule. Someone makes fun of me, they can fuck off forever. I’m sure he had the best of intentions when he proudly announced he was a terf. I’m sure Dave had nothing but love in his heart for his trans friend that committed suicide... right after saying her vagina leaked beet juice. So thanks Dave, your

Do they WANT federal investigaitons? Because this is how you get federal investigations.

“Let me play Devil’s Advocate here...”

I always, always respond to that with ‘Well if you never learned the difference between excuses and reasons, I don’t have the time to teach you because I have actual work to do.’

The “Don’t give me excuses” one pisses me off. They always ask “Why” but what ever you say will be an “excuse”. If you don’t want a reason why, then just don’t ask.

As an actual comedian, we talk about punching up vs down *all the time.* The only comedians who DON’T care about that discussion are unrepetant assholes.

“We can either have a safe community where police are allowed to do their job or we can have the cops handcuffed and the criminals run free,” he said after being charged last week, according to AP.

You know, I like this. I think more difficulty modes are always welcome and it serves to bring enjoyment to more people who might have found the game a little too frustrating originally.

I think this article really does a great job covering Chappelle and predicting his future:

Keep punching up until you reach the peak.

I haven’t seen it but from what I read his comments did come off as transphobic. So in the office yesterday and talking to a trans person and they said they saw it and loved it.


yep. I thinks of things that are funny, but too fucked up to say. And I think of things that are funny, but too fucked up to say to someone who doesn’t know me really well. I take a second to read what I just typed before I hit “post.” If the jokes you post on social media or say into a microphone have lots of people