I’m trans. Yay? I mean, it’s just one facet of who I am.
I’m trans. Yay? I mean, it’s just one facet of who I am.
They’ve been pretty clear in their hatred of trans people before. And they act like black comedians haven’t been called to task over their comments about black women. Or that some white comedians haven’t been ripped about their “jokes” about black people.
I just don’t get it. Why does Chapelle even need to fixate on this? Who asked him?
Asking Netflix not to fund and showcase transphobic content is kind of a reasonable request, rather than “censorship”, in my mind.
All I have to do now is become one of the greatest fighters of all time and die for people to appreciate my art.
Damn, now I have to find a new way to rationalize my hatred of women.
Chappelle is making piss poor excuses for being lazy at his craft;
I always side with what George Carlin said regarding Andrew Dice Clay’s ‘comedy’, and I’m paraphrasing here:
She’s had an epiphany. Good for her. Now she can fuck off.
I mean, I ain’t mad. I’m just not watching it. ::shrug::
It’s not a matter of sanitation. It’s a matter of people not liking comedy that is deliberately mean-spirited and makes already marginalized people the butt of the jokes.
Gonna be a bit hard to see her point on representation and “Jewface” knowing she donned the most textbook definition of Blackface for her Comedy Central show back in the day. And before people start in with that “she was young” excuse, she was 37. Old enough to know better.
It’s very important that when we protest the actions of the wealthy elite ruling class that we do it in a way in which they always feel safe, secure, and comfy. Can’t have them shaken up or slightly inconvenienced in any way, that would be gauche.
Yeah, those damn tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the homeless and tempest tossed, America doesn’t want none of those.
Yep 100% this. I’m not even a huge Prince fan but absolutely respect that he had all the talent in the world as both a musician and a performer. Now given some of the latest halftime performances this next one could be head and shoulders above those and actually be good for once but Prince is the clear winner for all…
Greatest ever? Jay that trophy was retired for all time when Prince performed in Miami in a downpour. I can hear the complaining from Trump voters already that why didn’t Kid Rock get the slot or Jason Aldean or Lee Greenwood. The complaints from this should be epic.
We have here the crossing of 3 things
Sooner or later, she’ll figure out that a tall, ice-cold glass of STFU is free and quite refreshing.
The complaints are getting out of hand. I’d hate to be Beetz in the middle of this. Being accused of not ‘being Black enough’ is a bad feeling.