Who? What? also Why is a strong contender.
Who? What? also Why is a strong contender.
I’m sick of blaming “systems.” How about you name the agents who were in charge of this and fire them? Like, systems don’t suffer consequences. People do.
I feel like at this point CNN, the White House, and any other organization giving this woman air time is doing a bigger disservice than she is, she isn’t influencing anyone who isn’t already lost, especially if they are on the fence about the vaccine and are waiting on Dr. Maraj’s advice...
It’s kind of amazing to realize that even while Nassar was repeatedly assaulting them and the FBI was ghosting them, these young women were competing and winning.
I mean, that was a comprehensive acknowledgement, and seems very sincere. I’d say that was one of the best (or maybe just the longest) acknowledgements I’ve seen a celebrity do in the face of massive backlash for an obviously bad choice.
Who dis Hough?
“We’re going to protect these jobs, we’re going to protect livelihoods and we’re going to protect families.”
He’s ruining his own farm for six apples. He’s responsible—as the owner—for the “incident” HIS FARM created unnecessarily.
The rwvolurion will televised, sponsored, and placed in to syndicated reruns.
I felt so incredibly alone in the aftermath of 9/11. It seemed like everybody I knew: friends, family, colleagues, had gone completely insane. “They attacked us,” they’d say, and demand vengeance in the form of terrorizing innocent Middle Eastern citizens. It turns out that we immediately attacked countries that…
“Of course not, Mother ... I’m only here for the food.” Flawless.
Media outlets interviewing Sloane Stephens and Shelby Rogers about the constant online harassment to which Rogers said,
“I kind of wish social media didn’t exist...”
As they should. Freedom is NOT free and it never will be. Nor are we free to infringe upon others rights and freedoms. At the end of the day if you went to public schools then you have vaccines running all up and thru you. Basically we have been under vaccine mandates for most of our lives if you are under a certain…
So when Faux News and Trumpville were screaming about Soros-paid protesters, not only was it false, (where’s my Soros money???), but it was also projection!
I mean he literally signed a bill forbidding the teaching of the massacre, so it makes sense to boot him. I’m glad they stuck through with it, I would have been disappointed if they hadn’t.
White America: Why are you bring up old stuff?!
A revered man did terrible things, and he’s paying the price. I think that’s where we leave it: A revered man did a terrible thing, and he is paying the appropriate price.
I’m still at a loss on understanding how any of of this product censorship protects kids, at the end of the day where are they getting the credit card for it? The serpent’s head is right in front of them and they’re busy throwing spears at it’s writhing tail.
The parental guardian has all the power to control and…
In 1986, he was 23 and had like six credits to his name. I’m going to cut him a little slack for going along to get along. Blame the director and producer.