This is just another example of the “laziness” of BIPOC voters who insist on voting early. Honestly!
This is just another example of the “laziness” of BIPOC voters who insist on voting early. Honestly!
Six months ago: “Those BLM protesters should know better than to block the highway!”
Y’know, maybe if he started an Etsy shop selling white tears?
I once had to deal directly with an FCC investigation in college and that was weirdly intimidating. The FBI? I would be bawling my eyes out and apologizing for everything I’d done wrong since kindergarten.
Hey, it’s hard work being a Sim.
I don’t really enjoy horror, so that’s off the table. But the game that first instilled a sense of “oh shit, I’m gonna DIE!!!!” even as I was sitting at my computer was Half Life 2. And it can still get me.
We need to start applying that thinking to capitalism in general. Because, yeah, entry level jobs can be dire and they may not necessarily be exciting, but that doesn’t mean they have to trend towards “abusive” as a baseline.
Additionally, even though there’s evidence, it doesn’t count because it was a FAKE journalist (oh hell)! So, yeah, his hand in his pants with a younger woman but never mind.
Oh god, you’ve given me an idea. Thanks :)
Didn’t know I needed this until now.
Yeah because we can all just retrain and get new jobs and everything will be fine and CAN WE GET THIS WATERHEADED BUNION SURGICALLY REMOVED FROM THE WHITE HOUSE ALREADY!?!?!?
I’d say the “going to the gym” part is the more religious feature of their faith. Certainly more regular and probably where they get in touch with their “higher nature”, thanks to their good buddy Steve. He has connections. Y’know. After his time in prison because he got booked for illegally breeding reptiles in his…
Blowing smoke up someone’s ass was literally blowing smoke up someone’s ass.
I’d argue sex dolls at least put in more effort to look human. But, seriously, there’s a definite uncanny valley/Second Life vibe in all those pictures.
And she’s not entirely sure about what the First Amendment protects.
I can’t speak to Baldur’s Gate, but having played a fair number of games that allowed you to put in insane amounts of time to create your character’s distinct look just so... only to cover up that creativity with helmets and masks and other tchotchkes, I’ve mostly stopped bothering.
Oh man I wish I could play Primal Rage again. It was wonderfully cheesy fun...
They look like a double handful of my uncles and cousins. The ones I left behind in Michigan, thank god...
“When they go low...”