
As someone who works in the consumer goods industry, and deals with people and their "sulfates" worries, this is one of the best articles for someone to read. Seriously, you don't know how much misinformation is out there! Thank you for an accurate article!

Well said. So honest and true.

Whenever I visit London, I like staying in a new part of town. When I tell the drivers that, they always ask me if I want to learn more about the area. Obviously, yes I do. I have received some of the best tours of London from the taxi drivers. Tip well! These guys know their stuff.

That was actually very cute.

It was a big week for Dog the Bounty Hunter.

I love when kitties have bells!!! So cute!

I saw the one about the glove box and died. Brilliant.

There is so much corgi going on right now I actually cannot deal. I'm making the most bizarre cooing noises at my computer.

OMG Anne and I would totally start a DIY project on a Saturday afternoon. After failure, and a nap, me and JLaw would be hitting the town, while Anne snuggled in for a good movie.

Saw it in previews and she was AMAZING! Great voice, and she carried the story along like someone much older than 11.

America's Penis? How could we forget about America's Penis??

Thanks for sharing the link. That information seems...foretelling.

Honest question: Where did the profits go? Was the federal government paid back? Or was it simply private profit?