
Thank you but speak for yourself. I wouldn’t call manipulation, ganks & lies ‘fires lit’. Nor would I say so much of others’ talking shit.

Fierce competion =/= great. Like Microsoft *been there*, I strongly doubt Tesla has risen above 6th grade social graces. Volvo does many things right & wrong, nevertheless my V50 kicks ass. I’d like to see a Model X that can clear a curb on glare ice & stay in one piece. The only people who buy Teslas where I live

Fierce competion =/= great. Like Microsoft *been there*, I strongly doubt Tesla has risen above 6th grade social graces.  Volvo does many things right & wrong, nevertheless my V50 kicks ass. I’d like to see a Model X that can clear a curb on glare ice & stay in one piece. The only people who buy Teslas where I live

See if you can find me some NFC tape, I’ll build this plus data compression.

Me neither. What’s the damage to buy 5 of these on Alibaba & enough 9-3s to give them registrations?

LSDs won’t do much of anything either, my Haldex Volvo has open diffs at both ends and thanks to one lockup robot clutch it does great. A bogged LSD will just lose its’ marbles recursively trying to shunt power. Case in point, high-centered subies.  The trick is to put a heavier, lower car on an open live axle, no

Me too but I like their slogan, they are self avowed fungineers.

Waar bin die Saab?

People claiming frugality are fighting viciously to make everything less efficient. Of course we don’t need emissions controls, some of us know engineering!

People who want to get rid of the EPA are in the market for a coal-powered Chevy Cobalt, basically.

Throw all the shade you want at CO’s conservation initiatives, you’re gonna appreciate those whenever you visit, particularly if you want to ski.

Well until somebody builds an all-around better car we won’t have as much good content posted.

You’re all wrong: cheater NOx-heavy motors recycled = problem solved. This recall has nothing whatsoever to do with the attached cars. If we had extensive toxic waste issues with the other parts, they would have their own legal clauses. Actually it’s BS that they stipulated drivable cars only as it’s plainly obvious

Sex toy jokes aside, they also probably shouldn’t use an acronym that literally translates to nothing.

My friend’s base Yaris 3dr automatic was a total riot, to the point I’d actually consider buying one so absolutely.

They also didn’t even lay out the strap first, I feel like this is solidly beneath truck folk expertise & knowledge in general. You’d think from ‘tug of war’ someone would read violence...

Because I have an attention span.

Not everyone is married to quantitative measures in all things.

If he interlaces the weave & follows the reinforcement structure between each subframe this is viable, otherwise I agree it’s wholly criminal.

So would this be the Miata of beaters?