
It’s the popular hipster thing to say this episode sucked. Wooden acting? Anderson and Duchovny played the characters exactly the same way they’ve always played them. In many ways it felt like the show never left. Aside from the contemporary cell phones and nods to current politics, it felt EXACTLY like an episode of

In a completely non-sarcastic sense, I am excited. I really have wanted to play Dragon Fin Soup since I saw it at PAX Prime 2014. Magika 2 also sounds cool.

Tough crowd

I’m okay with Shuffle being what it is. I wish coins were a bit more plentiful, but I haven’t paid a dime for anything. I think it would have lost its shine a lot faster if I wasn’t on a timer. The timer keeps me coming back.

Hurray! Thanks Fahey for setting the record straight. m(_ _ )m

It’s like a faucet of never ending JRPGs.

Not a deal, but GameStop has the Mario Party 10 Amiibo bundle in stock...for now. [Preorder Mario Party 10 with Mario Amiibo, $60]

It's $199. Considering what out does, and all the amazing RPGs and Action games on the platform, it is cheap.

Ok so wheres my crunchroll app now.

Its official Nintendo won E3

ROM hackers have had this for literally over a decade.

Reggie Fils.....uh.....

I thought Ultimax was a proper sequel, not an update, although that seems to be a point of confusion in any article i see on the subject so now i don't know what to think.

Random thought: could they launch this alongside a new Virtual Console program for GameCube games? (PLEASE?)

For those of you who missed it, the Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster Limited Edition seems to be temporarily back in stock at Amazon.com. I personally was not going to buy it, but after seeing the cover art for the normal release, I snagged a copy for myself.

Take a look at it again and maybe look at the background a bit. I didn't initially see it in just the small YouTube player, but when I put it to fullscreen, it became rather obvious. I just watched a 30 minute video of the 360 version, and it's definitely distracting. The PC version seems relatively smooth though.

That's almost as gross as the new Kinja experience coming soon!

It does seem kind of weird that nearly half the list is indie games that have been available for ages on several other platforms (and in humble bundles, no less) when these full-fledged, labor-of-love, very great games are available.

This list would be 200% better with Soul Sacrifice, Muramasa, Dragon's Crown and Guacamelee.