I guess that depends on whether you think this is a parody of the game... or of gamers. I happen to think it’s the latter, because said gamers will still buy said micro-loots even after being straight up TOLD they probably shouldn’t.
I guess that depends on whether you think this is a parody of the game... or of gamers. I happen to think it’s the latter, because said gamers will still buy said micro-loots even after being straight up TOLD they probably shouldn’t.
“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”
I listen to the TK podcast. Isn’t it just 80% of his radio show, with commercials and Old Guy Radio edited out?
The rules stated that you can’t change an entire season, so as much as it would please everybody outside Boston (eff Boston, amiright?) to see the Pats go 0-16, thus giving them in our minds the perfect season, that’ll just have to live out repeatedly in Rex Ryan’s foot-filled fantasies.
Draymond Green is bad. Steph Curry is Chucky Atkins. No matter. Klay Thompson is a blank-eyed three-shooting robot…
Talking shit after scoring is allowed in this sport? Man...if Goose Gossage were alive what would he think?
You laugh but the NCAA is going to bring the hammer down on MIT for not self-reporting Quan Le having a tutor complete his PE requirements for him.
No one around them appeared to take them to task or call them out.
Someone once phrased it like this: “Just because one side says 2 + 2 = 4, and the other side says 2 + 2 + 5, it doesn’t mean the answer is 4 1/2".
Harper was the game’s best player before the season even started
Best Young Player
After six seasons of minimal excitement and declining attendance, the Bills have officially killed the great Toronto…