Of course the tweet is referring to Purple Rain. Are you being serious about that?
Of course the tweet is referring to Purple Rain. Are you being serious about that?
It’s pretty obvious that the shit that North Carolina is catching right now is what finally forced ESPN to act.
ESPN isn’t the freaking government. The 1st ammendment has nothing to do with them.
As I hit my 30's it’s becoming more and more obvious that a large percentage of people under the age of 25 are fucking politically moronic. And looking back, I certainly include my old 25>self in that.
According to the kid working at Lids in Montgomery Mall, adjustable caps are back in style. And have been for awhile now.
Here you go brother
It’s not like Philly fans have a history of this sort of crap or anything.
Love that your source on DC fans sucking actually has more examples of Philly fans doing shit.
Lmao. Like clockwork...
Two things:
Huh? Who the hell is that? All I really know about soccer: Freddy Adu all day baby!!! And it's all I NEED to know as well. Been on that bandwagon ever since the local media had a huge Adu/United circlejerk. He should be hitting his prime right around now, no? Obvious winner.