They named him Jagr
They named him Jagr
If you’re 18 and currently wearing a Dead Kennedys t-shirt: never mind, you’ll probably grow up one day.
Benoit’s premise is what’s flawed. Even a truly bad NFL team is fairly competent on many plays. It’s not like a team, even one that goes 1-15, resembles a fiery clown car on every play.
The thing I got out of it was, the one specific incident led to the investigation, but that was deemed unfit for charges. however, she allegedly claimed issues of past abuse. So, without good evidence of that, but also to make a “stand” on domestic violence issue, this was sort of a lifetime achievement suspension.
Holy shit, how could you not print the full quote from Gleason re: bittersweet goodbyes?!?
We’ve reached Peak Fantasy when the anti-fantasy-sports takes are worse than listening to someone talk about their fantasy team. Jesus Christ, that was a death march in text form.
Trying to diagnose head trauma in Eli Manning is a losing battle.
I am legitimately fearful for Eli’s well-being.
Holy shit this weakass o-line against the hurricane that is the Broncos line.
Oh God, 14 free throws in fifteen minutes played?
Yep. Vice’s sounds like they’re talking about extreme source material, Barstool’s sounds like a crappy lawyer feeling like they’ve just created a loophole that will save their ass from “hostile work environment” harassment suits.
Except the Barstool waiver explicitly refers to their creative process rather than the source material
Elika is not an employee. If they want to refer to their staff as boys and girls, fine, whatever, they are a loathsome company. But when referring to another adult, use woman. It’s not hard.
If they worded it, “If in a professional setting, you are exposed to offensive material while covering a story or from the creative work of others...” that would be one thing. The wording here means they want carte blanche to be able to do and say whatever they want. Besides being illegal even if she signed it, it’s…
You’re two decades too old, and ten grades too literate, to be a ‘Stoolie’. Be thankful.
I feel like this provision might not hold up in a court of law.
Well he’s not in the league anymore and everyone (except one) that has knelt for the anthem is. So... maybe she’s not exactly right?
We’d be so fucking good at rugby. Just need some NFL washouts.
For real. We trot out players that weren’t good enough four years ago and we act surprised when this happens. We let the MLS and USSF become conjoined like carnival freaks and it results in a team filled to the brink with players that just aren’t good enough.