
Wow, what a poorly reported article. Rather than quoting Putin and summarizing what he said, e.g. “Putin said he believes electric cars are more polluting,” the author just writes, “electric cars are more polluting” which, btw, is ALWAYS incorrect. Gas cars emit sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, particulates and

BTW, gasoline cars ALSO use coal — because coal and natural gas are used to produce the electricity necessary to refine oil into gasoline. That NEVER gets mentioned by the ICE crowd — probably because most of them are ignorant of this very basic fact, and conveniently so.

Tired, old, un-sophisticated argument here that fails to take into the count the MASSIVE differences in grid mix within states in the USA, and even with regions within certain states! Washington State, for instance, has an extremely clean grid mix, thanks to hydropower, and California has 30% renewables, and is aiming