
Strange twist. The chair has to do a reading with Clint Eastwood. Clint chewed up the scenery. The chair…. not so much.

Sleep is goooood for the blood!

Jesse, I think it's a fine essay, although I wouldn't have broken down Depp's critical reception into pre / post megastardom. I just find his better performances are those that are in films that are more rooted in reality (I think he's tremendous, for example, in Donnie Brasco and Gilbert Grape). The further he

But why would you subject yourself? It's not like they appeared in a vacuum. Popular consensus has it that shit tastes like, well, shit, and I've never really felt the need to test that notion!

I'm with you… and why is it critics laud a book or movie as 'unsentimental'? I just don't get it. I read and watch films for sentiment…. you know, actually feeling something. If I want 'unsentimental', I go and clean up the dishes. Obvious manipulation of emotion is bad in that it's obvious.

You're not a chicken, you're a loud-mouthed schnook!

Don't throw your hat up in the AIRRRRRR!

… and Promo the robot. Which now that I think about it, is hilarious. Yeah, Dave Thomas (not THAT Dave Thomas) and Tom Jolls. What a way to make a living. Them and Jungle Jay…

I got exactly what I expected from this film.  Disappointment.  Someone, anyone, please step up and give us a great horror film soon.  Seriously, the last high water mark for a supernatural horror was The Others, and how long ago was that?

I have to hand the sound design award to Berberian Sound Studio.

Just like DePalma! (The letdown).

I'm with you on the Best Sound, Ever award going to Eraserhead.  Honourable mention HAS to go to Berberian Sound Studio.