
I'm with you on the palette, but I thought it was by far the best edit (of the 5 available in the "now you own everything except the sequel rights" box set). Thanks be to the gods that they got rid of the pernicious Raymond Chandler-esque voiceover.

Nope. It's his newborn son. Having had one, you don't fake that shit.

Yep, on fucking YouTube. These shits got outed, but I'll bet we're barely scratching the surface. This is not 4chan, it's a huge corporate entity. They need to get better at this.

But the reality is all of the responsibility, none of the power.

I'm wearing my #4 Dad t-shirt.

Don't know anything about her other than 'Bass' which I thought was pretty catchy. That being said, I would love to re-record it at a stop light in mono coming from an 18" woofer ensconsed in the rear of a hatch back Hyundai rice rocket. Then send it to her. I expect a new song, new opinion, within weeks.

Just finished 'Hillbilly Elegy' by J.D. Vance. A memoir from a 31 year-old American "succeeded despite" young man. Enjoyed the author's voice, but after digesting for a couple of days, I can only imagine how betrayed the people portrayed in the memoir feel. Yep, breaking out from the Appalachian stereotype can't

While we're at it, why does the earth always BOOM when these huge creatures walk around? This planet must be more fragile than I thought!

Sunrise Records will be taking over the building.

See ' Dikachu'……

Despite lack of general support, I really thought this was good. WTF with people anyway?

4 out of 5 99.9% straight men agree.

Boy, oh, boy. I played 'Songs From The Last Century' this morning on a lark. Didn't see this coming! Man sure could sing. For those who haven't heard it, do yourself a favour.

Not big on beets but went to a restaurant a couple of months back that roasted them with cumin. They were a treat.

It really runs across the country, but most egregiously in northern communities. A lot of First Nations folks were forcibly resettled to remote sites where eking out any kind of life was (and remains) horribly difficult. We also have a shameful history of placing native children in what were called 'residential

I pulled Breath from Another out of the collection a couple of weeks ago and threw it on (it had been a long time). Heavy, heavy rotation ever since. Boy, I'd forgotten how good that album is.

Montreal has got a great scene going on. Don't forget Alejandra Ribera or Mark Berube.

Thanks….. 2 1/2 hours of Simpsons clips later…..

Tucker > Brock > Tad

I haven't logged in in eight months or so. Your comment was worth it. Had to remember my password and it wasn't easy. Hands out, catch this upvote.