Claude Bawls

Yeah, I know. “Facts” are a real pain, aren’t they?

So you believe you’re seeing transparent and ethical behavior from Donald Trump?

Politicians and those running for public office should be held to a higher standard, however that doesn’t happen in this country as evidenced by actions of the DOJ with regards to Hillary

It’s a fact that the FBI didn’t recommend prosecution.

Came here to say that - who wouldn’t drive the 2017 Squatty-Potty?

Trump isn’t high ranking a government official under scrutiny for gross negligence

failing to properly handle classified documents

Um, tell him to run for office?

Before slinging around hyperbole, please cite instances that were damaging to security interests of the country. Because if security interests were damaged, the FBI would have pushed for charges.

Sorry, calling bullshit (again). We know that at least some of the classified documents were staff sending around newspaper articles that publicly mentioned classified programs by name. So if I mention that Wikipedia has an article on MKUltra, this discussion forum just became top secret?

So does (c) identify classified? Or confidential?

Sorry, calling bullshit. 30,000 emails released, (and when has any cabinet member made 30,000 emails public? Trump won’t even release his tax returns...)

Oh. Were those the ones that were classified retroactively? (and I think you meant, “purview”)

I used to do this all the time, before the incident