
Olyphant as Seth Bullock would kick both Raylan and Mal’s asses

Maybe it’s just me, but I loved this episode, and thought it was at least on par with Brapp Brapp Pew Pew, if not Hank After Dark. The ending, where they concluded that America hates women even more than it loves guns, is both one of the most daring political points the show has ever made, and hilariously true.

Kate Purdy is an incredible writer, even by the standards of Bojack’s incredible writers’ room

The parallels between Mr. Peanutbutter’s gubernatorial run and Trump’s candidacy are almost certainly on purpose. Everything was just so on the nose, even with little details, like how the “Pea-nut-butter” chant at the end was almost exactly the same cadence as the “we want Trump” chants. The episode was scripted

You’re doing exactly what Picklematrix told you not to