
Heck I wouldn't be surprised if it was Fox's wiretap that tipped them off

This seems like a clear-cut infringement, further aggravated by the statement on the website that they knew they had to license the songs, etc - so they knew about copyright but chose to ignore it in the case of the photograph. I agree that copyright law is a disaster, but as long as it's with us, it's reasonable for

iPods and iPads outnumber iPhones - judging the platform by smartphone marketshare is missing the point.

Certainly not every college is a good fit for every person, but that's no reason to condemn the entire concept of higher education. There are plenty of colleges and universities designed to foster creative problem solving and critical thinking - surely two of the most important skills for nearly everyone out there.

If this isn't nerdy enough for you, you could probably put a tiny tie-pocket-pocket-protector on it too. (the horror, the horror...)

A huge improvement, but the old ajax-crippled version still seems to be the default (and I was forced back to it to make this comment...) Just make the blog view the default, and let the crippled version die the death it deserves.

That would be fantastic. I have been dying to have the new yorker on my ipad but there's no way I'm going to pay for a subscription plus $5 per digital issue. I'll probably keep my paper subscription if it comes with the ipad version.

I'd like to see airplay support, but I bet it won't be there :( (my cable provider isn't supported anyway, so it hardly matters to me...)

Does it have airplay?

I'm in process of developing an app on both android and iphone. So far, android has been easier to code for, but much harder to get a consistent, attractive, usable user interface/experience. They're both great platforms, but it sure is a lot easier to make a polished, professional product on iOS.

I'm a web designer too, and I totally understand the impulse to use new, shiny technology and make a site nice and ajaxy. There's a lot of cool stuff going on with the new gawker sites, but almost all of it is wrong for a blog like yours. The sidebar is terrible, the giant flash ads are site-breaking, and the

Bah, my wife's toshiba laptop was falling apart after a few months. We'll be thrilled to replace it with one of these new macbooks (or one of the now-obsolete models from last week :) )

The ipad is pretty close to perfect for me. I would love more ram, more storage and a faster processor, but aside from that there is very little that I would change.

Seems like a fire hazard, no?

This is risky since different operating systems have different entry methods for these characters, so if you memorize a set of windows keystrokes, you're screwed if you need to enter your password on a mac, phone, whatever. (This happened to me years ago with my ATM pin, which I had memorized via alpha equivalents -

@archercc: I guess I don't accept the idea that the OS+device is one monolithic package - if a device is so closed that it is stuck with a non-upgradeable/maintainable OS, what's the point of an 'open platform'? This sort of fragmentation is a nightmare for devs.

I thought one of the big selling points of Android was that it kept itself up-to-date over the air. How do they expect to have a robust platform if devs don't have a steady target to code for?

@sirmeili: So am I correct then to think that if the app can be legally installed, it is then available to all users on that machine from then on? So the only limitation is on the number of machines a given user account can authorize?

@Hello! My name is Anonymous: Any universal id system makes me queasy, but I think I agree with you that I'd rather trust the government than Facebook et al.