
This completely creeps me out.

@rlmorrisphoto: Yeah, the adapters are huge and only fit in older cameras, they also completely killed the first eyefi I tried in one, so I'm done with that idea.

I wish there was a compact-flash or wireless usb alternative to eyefi for those of us with cf equipment.

@David Insley: I love the iPhone and iOS, but competition is good. Android's showing us that there's room for other excellent platforms and this could be another one if MS could make it work properly. Ditching IE and embracing more standards would be a good start.

Seriously, it's got nothing to do with the iPad and everything to do with Mr. No-Fly being a jackass. Be nice to people, follow their rules when you're in their 'house', and things will be fine.

My favorite camera review of all time posed the question "Nikon F4: Heavy Camera or Lightweight Bludgeon?" (props to Philip Greenspun)

I really really really want to see this on PS3

What are they using it for if they have no software?

Hopefully things like this will persuade people that net neutrality is important.

I'll buy it on iPad, but please bring it to PSN! :)

This was good advice in the early 90s, but much more accurate and less time consuming methods have been available for at least a decade.

Ugh, this 3D fad needs to die now. How could they retroactively 3D-ify something that wasn't filmed that way anyway?

That obnoxius 'this is gizmodo' video at the bottom of every page is nearly as annoying.

@Tortz7: Isn't that the way google voice always works? I didn't think there was a voip option

@goaliefight: Dropbox is free, Sugarsync is expensive. Sugarsync's free accounts look very, very limited (only two machines can sync, limited versioning ferinstance)

@wasting_company_time: Don't you have to hide every one of those things individually? New ones keep popping up...

@FriarNurgle: It's strange, all the apps 'made' facebook, but they are also killing it. I can't bear to wade through all the farmville/mobwars/zombies spam anymore

I had no luck getting EyeFi to work with a CF/SD adapter. I wish they would just get with the program and release a CF model - almost no pro-grade cameras take SD.

It's still a little clunky, but it is a LOT better. Mind you, until the world stops using earlier versions of IE (a lot of our audience is still on IE6) the struggle continues...