CSSEdit (and a half-dozen other webdev tools that don't have Windows equivalents)
CSSEdit (and a half-dozen other webdev tools that don't have Windows equivalents)
@Kamigoroshi: Pidgin is ugly, Adium is beautiful.
3D movies are already feeling passe, I wish the TV and game people would just pass it by and stay with what they are really good at instead.
VOTE: Wordpress
@KevanB: Gotcha. I was hoping for native (no disc) netflix support, like on the xbox.
Wait, what's this paid PSN netflix? I have netflix for free via the ps3 netflix disc - is there a native version now?
Chu chu rocket is a must-have, I really miss it and would love to play it on psn
VOTE: Westhost
Vote: Xmarks
@angryCutlet: Not a technology or apple-related site at all. I'm actually really surprised how unmeasurably small the android numbers are, but nevertheless...
How about Wine?
I don't buy this - on the sites I maintain, Android use is so small that it doesn't even register in our analytics, whereas iPhone/iPod use is a small but measurable number
I'm not going to pay for something with ads, especially when netflix offers so much more for a smaller ad-free fee.
@MattyMattMatt: You aren't the target audience for Rapidweaver. People who already know how to develop with a text editor are definitely better off going that route, but for folks who need an easy, non-scary, good-enough design app, RW is as good as it gets. I helped my mom build her site with it, and she can now…
I'm a big fan of macheist, but this particular bundle leaves me cold. I do think Rapidweaver is pretty great (already bought it) and it alone is worth the $20, but the rest of the bundle is extremely uninspiring.
Note that snapm charges 15% commission on every booking. Which means either the photographer is losing money on the deal, or the client is paying 15% more than they would if they booked the photog directly. As a photographer, it seems like a bad deal both for my clients and for me
Vote: Confluence wiki
How about snapzpro?
I've been using lala for quite a while and I love it. I'd never replace desktop iTunes/local media files, but the web client would be a fantastic supplement for when I'm not home.