
The first two on this list are great, most of the rest is pretty lame.

Web stuff:

@Komrade Kayce: What feature are you talking about? Saving games? Playing games you paid for and downloaded from microsoft? I was under the impression that the banned consoles couldn't do those things anymore

I doubt this holds much water, but the thing that's worrying to me are the reports from many users that their ability to install to/from their HD and play XBLA games was somehow limited by the ban as well. That goes a step or two too far - banning access to a service is one thing, but actually crippling _hardware_ and

I'm a fan of Screenflow for Mac. My colleagues (we're a video-intensive educational setting) like Jing! and ScreenToaster (cross-platform)

Are there actually that many not-banned-yet xboxes still out there? #xboxlive

It doesn't matter - regardless of the reason why people might choose to mod, if MS can cripple hardware you own without any recourse on your end something's gone wrong with the process. I'll stick with the PS3

OSX dock - but honestly I think docks in general are rather pointless. I prefer Quicksilver #dock

I don't understand how a company that was once so successful, and which employs so many brilliant people, ends up being run by such a schmuck. #iphone

I can't seem to get Pollux to do much of anything for my library, so far it has failed to recognize all 50 tracks I've pointed it to. What sort of info does it need in order to work (obviously track name isn't enough)

$50 - $30 for Snow Leopard, another $20 for 1Password. Everything else is working great. I don't really think it is legit to complain about things like Photoshop or Parallels - any serious user was going to keep those up to date anyway, no? CS4 has been out nearly a year...

For my money it _still_ doesn't get any better than the original Populous and Populous2 - I would love to see those updated with newer gfx but intact gameplay

We wasted countless hours of fourth grade learning to write cursive. My teacher hassled me constantly about my penmanship, and unsurprisingly I abandoned cursive for word processing as soon as I had my first computer (C64) - hand-writing is important to me now as an adult, but I write in print, not cursive. I do think

Onenote is crippled by its proprietary platform-dependence and reliance on weird incompatible MS rendering. Evernote has its quirks, but its universal access and cross-platform availability makes it a no-brainer - I'd be lost without it.

Nice try MS, your competition had this nearly a decade ago.

I really don't understand why anyone uses webmail - it is slow, clunky, and connection-dependent. It's also fundamentally unsafe - I used hotmail for a while, and then after letting it sit idle for a bit, MS purged all my messages - that would never happen with desktop-based mail.

There is nothing out there that can legitimately compete with Photoshop - it's really not even fair to compare it to a cataloging app like Picasa or Lightroom.

I've been using one of these for a while and I really like it, might get another one.

I really don't understand why anyone uses IE. It has so many compatibility problems, not to mention appalling speed issues.

Some conspicuous absences: