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    No, the rest of the industrialized world being in a state of ruin due to 2 world wars were responsible for that... Unions would have killed GM much sooner otherwise.

    Everything you said is true if you are going to drive it a lot, but the V12, even as unsophisticated yet still overly complex (a true engineering feat, lol) as it is, makes this car special. (disclaimer: 1991 850i 6spd owner, so I’m biased)

    I really want one of these. Though 60k+ is 2019 m2 competition ballpark, which is out now, finally has a real M motor, real dct or even manual, more hp, and almost certainly a bit quicker on track.   Would be compelling at 40k...

    I have always been a 3 pedal manual purist. I’ve owned, and still own, several. For driving around town the feeling and fun is second to none. Up until about three years ago that is, when I discovered that racetracks were a real thing that I could actually drive on and not just some fiction written by magazine

    Unfortunately I lost one of these, bought a new one (and it’s closer to 2k than 1100 all in) then found the original. So now I have 2...2000 dollar keys for the same car. In fairness it’s hard to buy an Aston off the lot without the Crystal key already on the sticker, and the plastic POS “valet” key is a disgrace to

    I can only assume you are saving Frank Kaminski for the “young players who aren’t even butt” and I’m a Hornets fan!

    didn’t read all the comments, so maybe this was mentioned, but the doors aren’t supposed to fall shut like that... you should have it looked at, maybe under warranty... unless vampires