
Well, from the comments it seems like the only way they'd be like this is if they were brainwashed/indoctrinated, or are naive. I think making those kinds of excuses is a bit too easy. Some women, like some men, are just assholes from birth. And they should be called assholes, straight up.

This angers me so much that I cannot even talk about it just

As a nearly middle aged white guy I can tell you old white guys are pretty much the worst people on the planet. It's really strange at times to be in their presence when they assume they can "really speak their mind in like minded company" (in essence surrounded by other white dudes). The entitlement and privilege

Please, dismiss the trolls. Pretty please.

Not wrong.

And yet we're fighting for the lives and rights of already born women. It is saddening that you don't understand that.

I agree with you. It breaks my heart. I want to believe they don't understand what they're fighting for, but that's patronizing and they're able to form their own opinions. But it really, really makes me sad.

At the expense of the life of a born, fully sentient and fully autonomous woman. It's sad that you don't understand that.

Why do they care? Will they do anything for the baby after it's born? Will they help single mothers? Will they offer their services to day care facilities? Or, after the baby is born, will they wag their judgmental fingers and go back to screeching and waving meaningless signs again?


Nope, sorry, until the last breath seeps from my lungs I will always be the one to decide what gets to be inside my body and what is done with my body, from uninvited dicks to unwanted pregnancy. Pass all the laws you want, make all the excuses you want as to why you think you know better than I as to what to do with


No, I get the same sadness! Because there's just no EXCUSE for young women to be on the wrong side of history like that. After all the work their grandmothers, aunts & mothers in the previous waves of feminism did to get them the rights they have now— it makes no rational sense for them to advocate for women having

I totally agree. I know a couple girls that have had secret abortions that consider themselves right wing. It is really confusing.

Some women, who haven't personally experienced reproductive hardship, have trouble seeing past their own privilege.

The younger they are, the easier to brainwash...

I agree. I also can't wrap my head around any young woman (or even any women) being Republican. They cannot make it any clearer they are against women, their choices and their rights.

gamergate: we're offending that you implied we'd rape people but still LOL A GIRL GOT GANGRAPED LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL

An account of a gay Holocaust survivor, Pierre Seel details life for gay men during Nazi control. In his account he states that he participated in his local gay community in the town of Mulhouse. When the Nazis gained power over the town his name was on a list of local gay men ordered to the police station. He obeyed