
Oh my god, seriously. Just because she also hates Iggy Azalea doesn't mean she's awesome. The enemy of my enemy is sometimes still just a huge fucking douchebag.

Hi, can people stop defending Azealia Banks NOW?

Exactly! Beck is a dedicated craftsman who made a beautiful album. Comparing it to Beyonce's effort is a little weird because they are so different. Apples and oranges, I think. Kanye is acting like a petulant child, again.

I wonder, if Kanye and Beyonce were ever both nominated for an award, and Kanye won, would he give HIS award over to Beyonce because .... truth in artistry?

So someone who works harder than anyone in music, and who looks as good as she does deserves to feel good about herself. Feeling sexy at her age and not hiding it is "thirsty" and "look at me", but yet when Rihanna or Miley take off their clothes like usual it's called "edgy" instead. Hi ageism, you're alive and well!

That's because very few people in the former colonies seem to know how to make tea properly.

There is an answer to this you know. Realise the error of your ways, stop all this silly "freedom" nonsense and beg Britain to take you back into the empire.

People need to stop equating can with will

I found my first grey pube when I was 13 years old :(

It was stuck to my pancakes at IHOP :( :(

You do realize the idea that some people don't deserve a fair trial is a common first step on the long, horrible path toward genocide?

Ugh, I love that you assume that if a woman likes something YOU don't like, it's automatically because she's blinded by her allegiance to a man. So progressive of you!

You're kind of strange, dude.

Dworkin and MacKinnon are also professional transphobes, so I'd tread lightly when talking about their "intentions."

So says I, let's try and make some fucking radical mainstream porn that fulfills women's fantasies too then, yeah?

Being white, everything you said makes me uncomfortable and angry. And I think that's the correct response. We (Americans in general and white Americans in particular) should be really, really fucking uncomfortable with it, and really, really angry about the consequences.

The majority of Americans are okay with this. Black lives do not matter. Whether male or female, young or old. The majority (yes, that's mostly white people in the US) think the murder of this child is just collateral damage.

I have to say (as someone on the autism spectrum).

Fuck all of this. It's time for school districts to put on their big folks pants, stop kowtowking to anti-science nutbars and eliminate personal belief exemptions. Your stupid, ignorant-ass beliefs should not be imposed on your children and endangering others. If we can force Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian

True story: